One of the most frustrating things I have found with our deployment is Opinions. I understand that people have their own little opinions about things, about our country, our soldiers, our leaders, our president and so on. The most frustrating this is when I hear people say "we are just over there killing innocent people." Also "Why do we have to go and get in everyone Else's business it's so rude." So first I'm just going to simplify this
A. They came here and messed with us.
B. We are not killing innocent people.
C. We are killing people who are killing our men and our soldiers.
D. Educate yourself!
Sorry I'm very blunt about this but it's a blunt topic. I know for me when my cousin Kory went overseas in the beginning of this war things were different. Living conditions, objectives, missions, and pretty much everything was different. I think that our objectives and missions have changed. I also know that I was not educated then, when my cousin was there. All I know is that we sent him stuff and he was at war, and it was scary. There were times when our family didn't hear from him for days. It was very hard, I never thought that I would experience it first hand, with my husband.
The night Jono left to head over to that place, I remember being really upset sitting in my bed eating chocolate chips. I just asked Jono what I could do to make myself feel better, to not be so scared. He said Nicole the most important thing for you to do would just be educate yourself. He said google Afghanistan, read about the culture, the religion, and the basic way of life. Then I educated myself on the Taliban, it was frightening the things that I found about them. Sad too how mislead they really are. However, it did make me feel somewhat better. I think for people who don't know what we're doing should just educate themselves and they will understand our objectives to this war, and why we are there. I know it's pretty important for me, because my husband is there. It's just as important for you because this is your country.
Some of the objectives we are now honoring are:
1. Making sure now that Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for the Al Qeada and other trans-national extremists.
2. We have taken over many Providences that were a year ago, under Al Qeada control.
There are many more these are just the big points. I think our guys are doing a great job. My only ask of you is not support our men, and just educate yourself! Sorry if that is BLATANT :)
"All of our operations must be conducted in complete partnership with, and in full support of, our Afghan counterparts. This is, after all, their country, and we are working together towards a better future for the and their children. Increasingly- and understandably- Afghans want to exercise greater sovereignty in their country. This should be applauded; indeed, the commencement this year of transition of security tasks in select areas to Afghan forces, at a pace determined this year of transition of security tasks in select areas to Afghan forces, at a pace determined by conditions on the ground, will facilitate the Afghan forces, at a pace determined by conditions on the ground, will facilitate the Afghan Government's increasing exercise of sovereignty. We should enable and celebrate this, for our Afghan partners' success is, of course, our success." General, United States Army Commander, David Petraeus.

I don't know about you... but I wouldn't want him and his Army coming after me. They just didn't know what we were capable of when they came over here and started this. We stand for so much more than that. Love this country, love our soldiers, love how we fight.