Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday: Workin Out!

So I've decided to maybe train for another race. That's in the making I need to workout and haven't been and the clothes are getting tighter and tighter. So I started running last week and now all Brinn talks about is running. She loves to put my shoes on and stand on the tread mill and say "runnin mom". Talk about feeling guilty when I don't work out! 
So today we got in our comfy clothes since that's all mom wears! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's that time of the year!!

It's definitely that time of the year. My husband let us turn the lights on! We are now playing Christmas music constantly in our car... reminder for when you do ride with us. Tis this wonderful little season! Let us not forget the real meaning of Christmas! Love to you all :) Hope you're Thanksgiving was wonderful and you got your tree up and decorated! We are cutting ours down next weekend! Here is some pictures that are putting me in the mood!
Cool Family Picture!

My parents HUGE Trees in their yard not really via Pinterest

Where all I can see is Trees... On Christmas Morning 

If the Husband would let me... I totally would u know it we'd be the throw up house.

I'd never leave the bed.

To see Brinn's Face on Christmas Morning with our ENTIRE family this year!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Why I Blog.

Lately I've been questioning... why I blog. I have some negative thoughts about it and some positive. There are both in the blogging world.
1. Why put your family on the Internet for the world to see.
2. All you do is blog.
3. I don't have time to blog. 
4. Obsessions with other blogs.
5. Jealousy of other blogger.
Those are the negative I guess!
Some positives:
1. An online scrapbook that I can print off someday!
2. Jono being gone he was able to see almost everything we were doing (the reason I started the blog)
3. Family members that live far away can keep in touch.
4. I can decide who looks at my blog.
5. Outlet for my brain!
Many others!
The list can go on and on. The best I've found in this crazy world is HER. I love her blog for reals she's pretty real and amazing. She has a whole deal about why she blogs and I can totally relate. NO I don't blog for people to be like oh you have it all together... your little house and little kid blah blah. Let's get real I'm 23 years old we no where NEAR have it all together. So instead of going on and on and 'justifying' why I blog. Which I'm also not really trying to do... just giving you my beliefs on the blogging world! 

This is a girl who wrote out hers. I hope I can come up with mine one of these days. I really like hers :) Read if you'd like.
Part 2:
- side note it wouldn't let me link so you'll have to copy and paste if you want to read them.

Fat Kids.

I can say this because I was at heart a fat kid... or a little heavier lets just say. Jono surprisingly was too... which works out great for us! I'm not getting into all of our 'fat kid' tricks! let's just say we think alike when it comes to Ice Cream+Bed time :) 

(check out that Hot Fudge... ) 

Sorry if this isn't PG for your :) Jono specifically told me I couldn't put these on here but I had to because he said that!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday: Turtle Necks!

They are BACK. I used to wear them when I was a wee one and now my Wee one is wearing them :) Five dollars at Target! Love it :) 

Mom... she calls me Mom now 

I couldn't be more grateful for the day God blessed me with this sweet baby girl. December 21st 2009 at 9:29pm I held her for the first time... Thank you Lord for that day. I'm Thankful. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DIY Writing on Wall...

Can I just say Thanksgiving Break rocks my socks. For real. I've had time to do so much!! Besides sitting down and doing projects and homework it's BEEN GREAT. So I did a little somethin somethin yesterday. 
I found it here... I follow her blog and I've been so encouraged by the way she decorates her home and knows the TRUE meaning of decorating a home. Money and when you can save and know you're doing it for the right reason... I feel the end result is that much more beautiful. Also knowing you're not breaking your family budget on crazy decorating ideas. :) My two cents of the day. This was a five dollar DIY. I bought a paint pen (obsessed with right now!!!!) It took me 20 min literally to do this. Perfect nap time project. I love love love this song... and I couldn't find something I wanted up on the wall. I wanted to do a verse and found this song by Phil Wickham. It's called Divine Romance. It's beautiful :) 
Her's is way better than mine! I just went with the flow... I love it! I know I did it and it can easily be painted over. 

The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty’s all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I’m completely satisfied

For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love

Love you all :) 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday!

We love hand-me-downs! 
We had a play date with Paige yesterday... and they wore the same shirts! 

Shirt: Baby Gap
Sweater: Hand-me-down
Shoes: Gap outlet
Skinny Jeans: Baby Gap 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day! To all who have served and who gave it all. We're so grateful for you! 

So thankful He is in our Arms. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday: First Snow!

We woke up to SNOW!!!! This was Brinn's first time really remembering snow or seeing snow. We opened the curtains and she went "WOOOOOW MOMMA DADDY MOMMA." She thinks it's nice outside though and she doesn't have to wear her coat. Jono let her go out and touch the snow and then she said HOT because she hasn't figured out that things are cold too yet. It was so fun to see how much she appreciated the snow when most people are growling that it snowed! Hey it's IOWA!! Gotta start sometime! 

Happy First Day of Snow! 

LoVe NiColE and BrInN