Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday!

Yesterday was a chilly day! I felt terrible I sent Brinn to daycare with barely anything on like it was supposed to be 90 degrees well bad mom once again! So we came home and got in our comfy clothes and hung out till Jono got home. Today I looked at the weather and we pulled out her leggings we are getting ready for fall! Even though I know it's supposed to be warm today! So we went with a tank top that I pray she never grows out of but already is :) Some short leggings that are almost too small! Then of course my favorite her jean jacket! 

Jacket: Gap 1969 $15
Shirt: Gap $12 
Leggings: Gap $8
Shoes: Target $10
Hair: Clip Gift from Emily

Monday, August 29, 2011

Currently Craving!!!

Trying to tame down the crazy love for accessories and little nick knack things... so I'm just going to talk about them here so I can't get it out of my system and not WANT or NEED these things just craving them!!!! YUMMM!!!!

I'm loving the animal print. I've always been an animal print person... so I totally snagged myself a belt from target it's like the new Khaki it goes.with.everything!

I'm also loving the ballet flat loafers which I saw this same pair at TJ Max and didn't get them :*( haha but they are also a trend worth trying because I can see a very good staple flat out of these. I think you could wear them for years and it would be cute!

I also have been craving this Blazer for some time... I can't afford it and don't want to afford it but would love to have for student teaching. It would be cute to wear with jeans or dressed up with a nice pair of pants LOVE THIS JACKET! 

I'm also loving this dress Nana got for Brinn!

Here is one in my size!
I have a sweater dress I got when I was pregnant and I love it so much... totally a good staple!

So one of my other favorites are THESE!!!

Loving :) 

Also this fun little piece!!! 

Anyway to organize my fridge a little better I'm there! 

Have a great Monday! 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Big Cousins Little Cousins!

I have some really great cousins* what I used to call them when I was little. I always asked if we would see the Gerken Girls or if they would be there. So Emily coordinated this whole gathering months ago and we finally all got together. We had great food some Blue Moon which is always a treat for us! The kids played** and we socialized it was a really fun night! 

This is Emily... she makes great bows for Brinn if you noticed some of the what Brinn's wearing posts!!! She gave us a bunch more I can't wait to share with you!!! This is also little Tage! Mandy's youngest

Mandy, Melissa, Emily and me!

Addi and Brinn

Then because we are wonderful parents after we left we went and got Ice Cream and Lemon Tree :) Thanks Daddy!!!!

*The Gerken Girls!!! It's what I used to call them and I used to want to be just like them. I wanted them to do my hair and dress like them because they are beautiful!!!

** There were so many new toys Brinn didn't know what to do. She's never seen so many toys and I thought that we had a lot!! Brinn realized how many toys we don't have!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Farmers Market!

We went to the Farmers Market!
 The food the music it all is fabulous! 

Some homemade ice cream!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Soccer Mom for sure.

I passed the test! I'm a real Soccer mom! You've all heard about my little nanny kids I just love them. They are the sweetest little kids in the whole world... besides Miss Brinn of course. Tonight I had to help out and take them to their Thursday night activities. Let's just say that I didn't know what I was getting myself into. So we went from one practice to the next in about ten minutes eating dinner and changing clothes! It was crazy. I picked up G from daycare went home picked up the sandwiches the boys got home from school and we were off! First stop Owen Soccer. Dropped him off and headed to pick up Haley from Volleyball. As she changed and ate in the car we drove her to soccer (conveniently at the same place as Owen) you still following me? Then we grab Owen 15 minutes early and off to Football. As he changes and eats dinner we drive to the High School to drop him off, meanwhile Noah and G are eating dinner in the back. Then we head to the North Soccer Fields to drop Noah off at Soccer... finally a break. We get to watch Noah we take him and back to get Owen from football... HOME DONE!!! It was a crazy night... if you followed that No I didn't leave Haley her Mom picked her up and we met at home... phew. IT was crazy they have four wonderful kids that are very active you could say! I cant' wait to have more babies and drive around all night to their events... hint hint. 

Love to all! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday :)

My little Tot is getting so big. This dress I got her when I was here. It's been big and now she has grown into it. I'm going to have her wear it all fall with her jean jacket. I'm in love with these tennis shoes I got at Old Navy. They are so easy and cute and go with everything!!! They make a dress a play dress which I love!

Dress: Crew Cuts $20
Jean Jacket: Gap 1969 $15 (STEAL!)
Shoes: Old Navy $5 
Clip: Gift from Emily Priceless :) 

Like I've said before I'm a bargain shopper. I don't buy Brinn expensive things and if it is a little more I usually get a big enough size that she can wear it long! She is now getting to where she can wear things longer so it's easier :) Happy Wednesday!

xoxo Nicole