Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Parent Rap

Seriously... this is great! I still wouldn't trade being a parent for any other job. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Quilting :)

I've been quite the quilting machine this winter. My first quilt took a year to finish... haha :) That was a looong project. I really love sewing and quilting, is a great way to learn! I've had a lot of fun relaxing at night and quilting it is a great stress reliever. 

I've done three quilts this winter. I finished one for a great friend and her daughter Miss Tenley. We didn't know what that sweet little girl was going to be so I choose some gray and yellow. I don't have pictures of hers :( But I can get some soon!

The next one in line was my neice Emma. I've been trying to get all my neices a quilt made. I started with the youngest and I'll work my way up. For the older gilrs I want to make them a little larger so I'll need more time for theirs. This was Emma's!

Then here is Brinn's!!!!!! I'm so excited, this is the first quilt I've made that we get to keep!!!!! Brinn's first quilt. I hope she snuggles under this forever. 
1. I hope we snuggle under this many nights together.
2. I hope we snuggle under this many mornings watching cartoons.
3. I hope she wakes up to this on her first day of school.
4. I hope she has this on the night of her first sleep over.
5. I hope she can cry under this on her first break up.
6. Her last night at home before college she will wrap herself in this.
7. Her first night away from home she will snuggle under this.
8. The night before she is married, I pray she snuggles under this. 
9. Her first baby will be wrapped and rocked under this.
10. Lastly she will hopefully pass this down from generation to generation. I'm sure it will need tender loving care and some mending along the way, but I hope she will always remember me when she looks at this :) 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday: 1.9.13

Brinn Marie Sage now 3 years old :) Where has the time gone!