Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This was totally Brinn on Halloween... 

Happy Halloween Love you all

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Center Grove!

With our busy weekends we finally got one that isn't busy NOTHING! It was a great weekend of lazy nothing. We spent Saturday as a family I did a little project and played with Brinn while Jono was at school in the morning. Then we did nap and went to Center Grove I didn't think we were going to get there this year and it was going to make me really sad... We didn't go last year and we pretty much haven't been able to start any traditions as a family because Jon was gone for a year so this year has been so fun to do those things as a family, instead of dread holidays with out all of our little family. 

Brinn had a blast we all laughed so much and I almost cried a couple times because it was so amazing to be a family.

The End! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My New and Improved Living Space!

So I'm really excited about something that was completely given to me. I don't even feel near as worthy of getting these two pieces. They truly are beautiful. I have a quick story first...

It all started when I was about 9 we moved to the lake. Best decision my parents ever made. Seriously. We've always been skiers most of you know that... well we moved to a private lake to ski. We used to ski at "pickle farm" in Des Moines it was an old pickle farm how cool right. IT was literally run off from the river... which was dangerous with floating debris all the time. We skied with a group of people that my dad met when he was probably 19 years old. Scott Thompson being one of them! Anyways, long story short. They got to talking and Scott said he wanted to build a lake and we could all live on it and ski! How awesome instead of getting in the "beater" my dads little truck we called the beater... we could walk out our back door and be at our lake... "Dream Lake" was then created... and it's totally a dream I still can't believe I grew up there and live there. It's BEAUTIFUL :) I'm planning to live there someday on the hill... 

So, along came Mary who married scott a long time ago! So they've known me my whole life we spent many summers together weekends at tournaments (every weekend when I was little). Not trying to brag but my Dad's pretty stinking awesome so is Scott. So they went all over. So then we all moved to the lake I was 9 Scott and Mary had two little ones Emily and Brandon. Brandon was probably 2 and emily just a couple months. I started babysitting! That was my second home... So I babysat all the time! 

We've always had a close bond and Mary came the other night to see us and asked if I wanted her beautiful ETHAN ALLEN chairs... Um YES!!!!!! So she gave them to me!!

Here they are they are so beautiful... I might recover them someday but they fit for now!

Thank you Mary!!! We love them :) 

Chairs: Ethan Allen Gift
Couches: Homemakers 
Table: Grandma Connie's I painted
Flowers: Michael's 
Flower: Signature Home styles
Mantle: Vases Vintage
DIY art 
Kids Chair: My Aunt Denise 
Owl: Pier 1 
Pillows: Target, Bed Bath Beyond, and gift from Jenna 

Love you all Happy Saturday

Friday, October 28, 2011

Brinn's First Halloween Party!!

Today we went up to Karla's (School)* for the Halloween party! 

It was fun!