Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What's Brinn Wearing Wednesday: Tights and Tennies

Brinn's had this purple sweater since last winter and she never wears it... maybe because it was under her changing table?

Peek :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Last Day "Smartie" pants :)

I hope to show you more of what I've been up to for the last 9 weeks! Today is my last day with the first graders I've been with. It's been SO MUCH FUN and I'm really sad I have to start with a new class. I'm excited to learn more and I guess GRADUATE! To my sweet little first graders:
Thank you for teaching Miss Sage:
1. Four hugs a day is a minimum.
2. Each day is a new opportunity.
3. There is ALWAYS tomorrow!
4. Learning is FUN!
5. Every child is unique in their own way.
6. Challenging classes teach you the MOST.
7. Give a little love have a little hope we can really make it better yaaa mannn...
8. I will be dressing as a hundred old lady for the rest of my teaching career. 
9. Smiles CAN grow a mile. 
10. Learning CAN be fun. 

This is only a small piece of what this first grade class taught me. The experience would not have been as perfect if it wasn't for my teacher. She gave me a passion for teaching I never knew I had. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

DIY: My First Quilt

Well I started this quilt lets just say a really long time ago :) I finally squeezed in time to finish it. I'm so proud of it... even though there are so flaws and most likely it will fall apart and I may have to repair it some! I think little Evelyn loves it :) 

:) Happy Sunday 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

And this one.

Jeff Bethke I'm a follower. He's trying to reach our generation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What do you think?

something to think about. 

We all believe in Jesus right... so why does it religion get in the way so many times. 

Love love love you all happy Tuesday 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mommisims Monday!

The weekends are my favorite. I savor every minute with Brinn! This weekend we got out our paints and did a little painting. I love just seeing her get to do new things. Like discovering ice cream for the first time... I don't remember that feeling I was too little but wow I bet that was a cool day back in 1989. She kept saying "Oh thank you Mommy" ohhhhh thank you mommy!!!! :) It was fun!

Saturdays are the best now. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Runner's Prayer.

Well since I've become a runner. Let me tell you not a professional runner. I still don't consider myself a runner yet all I do is run. I really enjoy it because it is a huge stress relief for me but idk I'm not a runner... not like a professional more recreational. Anyways that is besides the point. I found this on pinterest and a good friends blog I love this little prayer. I printed it off and I hung it by my treadmill. 
It's so amazing because I believe that as we mature in our faith God is Everywhere. Everything we do we can make it all about Him.
 Lately I've been watching movies while I run and last year I was given some very good advice from a real runner! He said I should watch movies or listen to podcasts while I run. So I started listening probably last May when I was training for Dam to Dam. I started listening to sermons while I run. It has been sooo cool to just get that extra dip that day and use that time for God. I know what you're thinking there is no way you can run and 'pray' or listen to a sermon while you run. I love it and think it's a great way to get some good old God time in and a nice run... If you're a runner try it! 

Runner's Prayer
Run by my side;
live in my heartbeat;
give strength to my steps.
As the cold surrounds,
as the wind pushes me,
I know you surround me.
As the sun warms me,
as the rain clenses me,
I know you are touching me,
challenging me, loving me.
And so I give you this run.
Thank you for matching my stride.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Junie B. Jones Style: ValentiMes Day!

Junie: I love Valentime's 
Lucille: It's not Valentime's with an m it's Valentine with an n. 
Junie: This is a Freed Country and I can call it whatever I want. It's not like I'm going to jail or anything.
Gotta love Junie B. 

Brinn and I are reading the Mushy Gooooooshhyyy Valentime right now and that is all I can think about is how funny that Junie B. is :) That Junie B. Anyways here was our sweet little day :)

All started with some burnt heart/messed up pancakes. Best part Brinn didn't even care she ate them all up!


Daddy sent Mommy flowers and Brinn a balloon and cupcake :)

Uncle Alex and Aunt Nikki brought a Singing balloon!!!!! Love them :) 

Happy Valentime's Day 
Love the Sage's