Sorry I haven’t blogged for like a week (Lindsey) jk. I’ve had finals and we have been kind of busy! So I have been wanting to blog about this for a long time and I couldn’t think of how to go about doing it… Well Faith Hill’s song A Baby Changes Everything made up my mind!
So… here we go! Brinn Marie Sage was such a little gift for us. Jono and I were dating and had tried very hard to stay pure, we did until one night in March… then a month later found out that we were having a baby. I can still remember every feeling I had that day. I drove home from an amazing weekend with Jono I was madly in love with him, he didn’t know that yet. I got to work at about 10 am and started to feel sick. (LOVED my Job) My boss was in the middle of an interview with a guy who would be filling in for me over the summer… He had some huge shoes to fill
So I left work and went home I had gotten sick twice on the way home, how embarrassing. I thought I had just caught something… I didn’t really feel that there was any possible way that I could be pregnant. So I got nervous started searching the internet and seeing some possible signs. When I fit the description for all of them I panicked. I went and got an EPT which took me two hours standing and staring at the Isle scared to walk down it… My life was changing dramatically. What would Jon do what would he say? What would my family say? What would his think? Would my friends still love me? What would people say and think of me?
This all going through my head I got one and left. Went home. Took me about thirty minutes to actually take it I was shaking so much and white as a ghost. The second I saw the plus sign my heart sunk. It sunk so far into my stomach I couldn’t breath. Two of my roommates were sitting out on the couch watching tv. I grabbed a towel and just bawled and bawled into it. I cried and screamed and cried.
I then had to try to call someone, that understood me, knew me, loved me, and cared for me, and would tell me the right thing to do. I called Nikki Jones (soon to be Nikki Durlam) her reaction was actually kind of funny, she was like SHUT UP SHUT UP no way… go take another one you aren’t no. Haha it’s funny now… wasn’t at the time
I called him I don’t even know how I held the phone I was shaking so much and my stomach was twirling. He answered and I just said I’m sick I need you to come and he did. He came he stopped at DG dollar general and tried to buy some white t’s to sleep in? I don’t know why he did that he ended up buying 4t toddler… Then he had 6 boxes yes 6 boxes with four EPT’s in each and he wanted me to take every single one… To clarify 6 boxes is like 120 dollars insane. Anyways we took only 6 EPT’s and we just both cried and hugged and cried. Then Jon was like let’s go on a walk and I will never forget this… He turned and he looked at me and he goes let’s just be the coolest parents EVER! We got so excited and he picked me up and hugged me for what seemed like forever, it was a long and amazing night all at once.
The next weeks were finals and telling our family. To this day the hardest thing I have ever done… Jon and I were numb we were like walking zombies from house to house telling people the same story and wondering what they were thinking of us. We knew what we wanted and that we loved each other and we were going to be together forever but did they? My parents were the best… If you know them they are in love with their yard and they were out all happy mowing and cleaning up their perfect little yard and Jon and I just stood on the deck watching them for a while. Jon kind of laughed, yes we did laugh a couple times during that first month. He laughed and goes haha look how happy they are. In like ten minutes they won’t be that happy. Jon was shaking he could hardly stand and I was just like let’s get this over with. So they came in we told them they cried and we assured them we were in this together and everyone that we told. Everyone was so supportive and we couldn’t have gotten through it without that and our Faith.
There were alot of things that the both of us given up for that baby girl and I’m so glad we did. I moved home and didn’t go to Iowa. Jon sold both of his other babies, his motorcycles. He bought my rock and house with that
We always would say that when we look back in a year… and now doing that I can honestly laugh and Jon too. We laugh and say wow I love my life. I love every piece of it and we love each other and Brinn. It couldn’t have happened in any different way. For me I could say before I was pregnant and before Jon and I started dating I was lost. Jon completely changed my life and Brinn too.
Jon and I are so happy and I figure we can do anything. We have been through a lot in the last two years and through even this deployment I think our first year of dating was harder. I think that God just prepares us for these things, he prepared us to be great parents and gave us a precious baby girl. Then he prepared us for this Deployment and our love has grown stronger and stronger each day we are apart.
I have also wanted to just thank everyone for being so supportive of us and loving and praying for us constantly. I tell ya there isn’t a day that goes by that someone doesn’t tell me a way that they are praying for me and my family and you have no idea how warming that is to me. Love you all.
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