This hangs in my front window. This symbolizes more than anyone can imagine. This symbolized my life, our life, and our future. This flag is for a service member currently deployed or in the service. So this flag represents Jono.
I HAD mixed feelings about this flag. I was given this flag by a former Veteran Wife, Karen Blum, bless your heart. So, I have had people say take it down why would you symbolize that your husband is gone. I have had woman say keep that thing up you’re a proud military wife. I had mixed feelings. I decided I’m hanging it, it will stay in my front window till my husband is home, home for good. I also have a gun I’m really not afraid to use… tell your friends. (that ones for you Jono).
Tonight I had dinner with some of the most amazing woman I have ever had the privaledge to meet. One of the best blessings I have gained from this whole experience, is friendships. I have gained so many amazing friendships with woman of all different walks of life. We are all SOOOO different yet so alike. We sat around at a table at Hu Hot for hours just talking. Just telling what we feel and see and hear. Like this huge gossip circle. It’s crazy because you feel so alone some days, and then it’s like WOW you feel that way too. Wow your husband did that too, wow your husband makes my husband do that! It’s so funny!!! I LOVE IT. It’s just different it’s like therapy. You can complain and say anything you want and not feel bad, or annoying.
This year has been different in so many ways for me. I have learned so much. How to deal with life full-blown. From lighting striking my house, to Brinn screaming through the night from a little tooth. I know not terrible. I have so many struggles and so many gains. I feel like some days I’m a terrible friend, daughter, mother, and wife. I feel like I neglect friendships, and don’t realize it. One of the biggest is ‘booking people on the same day.’ So telling this person yes I can do this and then another person to and realizing the day before I have two things at the same time. It’s terrible. I’m sure people reading this are like yes you did that to me countless times. I apologize.
I think I have also neglected my family and what they do for me. I want to thank all of you just for loving us and keeping us so close to your hearts. I’m just so thankful and I will never forget this year, I may forget some of the details and the long nights. I will never forget what people do for us. I feel like the last 10 posts have just been repeats. I’m sorry I just am so thankful!
Also thankful for the Roseberg’s. The family coaches of Iowa. They are great they put on this awesome conference once a month and it’s sooo encouraging. They think we are heroes where I’m no hero I just love my husband. He is the hero. It’s just great to connect with woman who see and feel the way that you do! It’s such a blessing to do that and be in the presence of some pretty strong amazing woman! So this post is so sporadic sorry.
I start school tomorrow I haven’t been very excited about that. I like being able to relax at night and watch a movie, now it will be back to homework at night and all that Jazz. It’s fine though keeps us busy which is good! We are half way through this deployment!!! It’s awesome!!! So just keep on trucking along Love you all thanks for caring enough to read about our little lives
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