So we have been on break for the last THREE WEEKS. It’s been so great. I have really found out that being in school helps me… time goes by faster and I stay motivated and productive. I love being with Brinn and I have been very spoiled the last three weeks waking up and getting to spend every waking second with my favorite one year old… and sometimes little monster!
Anyways we have been having so much fun! I have done a lot around the house. Deep cleaning and organizing!!!!! Which makes me sleep a little sounder at night. I had a list that I started after thanksgiving break.
So as you can see.. I have been busy

It was so good and it feels so good to have the deep cleaning that I don’t usually have time for when school is in session. So it’s been nice to catch up on those things and just hang out with peanut all day. So I surprised Jono and little and used this sweet Visa Card I got from Alex and Nikki and got us some paint to paint our bedroom!!!! If you know me. I Hate. To. Paint. I hate it. I call my mom and wine and she comes and basically does the whole time I roll she trims. She has painted this whole house… and dad helped too “he is good painter’. So I did the bedroom on Tuesday night.
Then it’s crazy because I used to be so inspired with decorating and fashion and clothes… Well I kind of lost that and didn’t really care about it anymore. So I think the inner me artistic side is coming out because I woke up with this great plan to paint our guest bedroom. We had about 3/4 a gallon of the stonewall (gray) that I painted the bedroom and thought what if… and here are some pics of what I came up with hope you like because I DO!!!!! Suprise Jono Love you!!!!!

It’s like for me when I find a purse full of cash… Brinn forgot about her car she LOVES and had the BIGGEST FIT when we went inside and I made her leave it in the garage.
So while Brinn played I cleaned the garage for daddy… because he LOVES his garage clean… I’m sorry there are some places that men are just meant to clean and deal with and that’s for sure cleaning the garage and plowing snow. I will MOW any day and my mom always has if I saw my dad on the mower I would probably be like what the heck it would be weird!!!! My daddy plows our driveway and he cleans their garage.

SO I have this huge dream for our bedroom… I want this like little small French cottage feel. I have a beautiful new quilt being made right now for the bed which I’m excited about because Jono and I HATE this comforter!!! So it’s starting to evolve I would like to have it finished with Jono comes home in March my budget I have made for myself is 50 dollars a month which I have done! So it’s fun to think what I can do with 50 dollars it goes a long way. I’m going to start saving for scones.

Here is our office/guest room. I had some paint leftover from my bedroom so I thought it would be fun to paint and then I had this fun idea to have a chalk wall… and Brinn LOVES playing when mommy is doing hw or projects or printing and I thought she would love to make pictures for daddy

The curtains are just there for now… I will replace them eventually and this is really the last room I ever do anything with so we will see in the next year I will maybe finish it… decorating is hard and expensive. My best advice I have ever gotten is don’t get it Unless you LOVE IT and that’s what I need to do… So i’m just waiting on some inspiration!
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