I just wanted to express my CrAzY LoVe for that man of mine… mmmhhhmmm. Can I even explain it… maybe!
I just want to throw my arms around him; I swear I can hear his heart beat from a thousand miles away. I’m always going to be running to you Jono. Just because you give me crazy love… I always get him when the sun goes down. I will take away his trouble and his grief. He gives me crazy LOVE.
Yes, I need him in the daytime, oh but I need him in the night. I want to kiss and hug him, and hold him tight.
When he’s returning from some faraway place, I will give him so much sweet loving. It will brighten up his day. He will be righteous and he will be whole!
So if you’re a Michael Buble’ Lover you know exactly what I’m getting at… Crazy Love! It’s our new song!
Then for the best part of all my New Years Gift came in the mail today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A beautiful scarf from the “Stan”. So Jono ‘Bargained’ with one of their interpreters for this beautiful scarf. He didn’t have any money so he traded him a sling shot? Yes a sling shot. He said it is from his ‘Home Village’ of Jalalabad, (ja-la-la-bad) seems like everything over there is stan or bad… haha whatever. Anyways so here are so pics of my beautiful scarf which I will be sporting very soon because I LOVE THE colors and he was afraid I wouldn’t like it pshhh it’s the thought that counted honey! Thank you!
And Brinn was modeling…
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