Today was a different morning than the rest. I always start by checking my ia state email. Some of you know my complete struggle to finish school. This fall semester I was supposed to get into Linguistics 219 at Iowa state. However, I couldn’t get into it so I thought oh well I will take it next semester… well I thought wrong because of course that class is only offered a certain times. I wasn’t able to take it spring because of the courses I have to take that semester. Then it’s not offered in the summer… So basically it came down to this class pretty much putting me back AN ENTIRE SEMESTER from graduating… I cried for a week and complained and freaked out. Jon was so great and said its ok it will all work out.
The reason I wanted to graduate so bad in the fall of 2011 was because I was ready to and I wanted to work so that Jon would be able to go to school and finish. SO we had this plan and it got shot down. Then we searched everywhere for weeks of a different place that I could take it. My mom found this online class through USU. It was going to cost around 2,000 dollars to take it. There is no way I can do that to my parents no way… So I found a scholarship (I know most people would have given up NOT ME!) So my mom was like lets do it!
So I had been going through the application process took like a month because everyone knows all the different schools I have attended; DMACC, Kirkwood, and Iowa State. So they needed transcripts for all of these schools for this one little class I wanted to take. So I got my acceptance letter and I went to do this two-hour online orientation. After this I was ready to sign up! I got on went to sign up AND THE CLASS WAS FULL. You’re kidding me not a chance… (most people would have thrown in the towel NOT ME!)
SO I called everyone I could call told them my story said I needed this class… This guy helped me he was a senior at USU and totally felt my pain… He tried signing up for it he couldn’t he tried everything it came down to me emailing Mr. Lackstrom the professor… (little does he know I’m blogging about him.)
I emailed him twice called him 20 times… No respond… I’m crazy and he knew it…
So I left it I said hey this isn’t meant to be there is a reason for this and I finally after two months accepted that this class wasn’t for me. (Last Night) When I had emailed him for like the third time and no respond.
SO that brings me to this morning this bright little amazing 5 am wake up call from little Brinn… I had laid in bed wishing she would fall back asleep… But no… SO when I checked my email this morning I had an email saying SOMEONE DROPPED THE COURSE AND I HAD TILL 12 TODAY TO SIGN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little fingers were going as fast as they could I was shaking and so happy. I’m now officially a USU student and taking that course and plan to student teach Fall 2011. Motto to my day never GIVE up
Sorry if this bores you I’m going to have a great day Love you all…
USU student and soon to be teacher Nicole Sage
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