SO I thought I would share him with you all
Stay at home dad
Jono and Tucker!
So I told you Jono I would NEVER let you live this down. This was the night before Jono left. We stayed up all night
I used to beat Alex in about everything .Nascar on PS2, Speed, pretty much everything we ever played and he would like punch me and beat me up haha because I was so good and I loved it. Well this was another one of those moments but with my husband. He was just glaring at me from across the table and as I celebrated and ran around the house he pretended like it was no big deal… we’ll see how long it takes for him to check this blog and find this post haha!!!
Jono’s tat he got in Mississippi… totally not planned just spontaneous side of Us
Love you all, sorry this is a long post!
i'm gonna write a million comments now. :) haha, just kidding. but seriously, you guys are the cutest little nuggets in the world, ANNNNNNND!!!! seth and i used to play cribbage ALL the time! when i was pregnant with piper i would make him lay in bed with me and play cribbage til i was tired (which was like, 8:30) and he had to stay with me til i fell asleep & then he could do whatever. sigh...miss cribbage. miss seth. miss jono. lol, just for you, though.