What does that mean to you?
This is what it is to me…….
Waking up everyday pretending you are there
yet the body pillow is NOT you………………….
Waiting…Praying…Hoping… that unknown call is you….
Just Driving…. to get away…..from nothing………………………………………
Asking Brinn where dada is 5 billion times a day………………………………………
Praying 5 million times a day that you are SAFE……..
Missing being ThRee…..now 2………………
Eating at Palmers with Brinn every Friday………………………………………………………………………
Wearing the Ring you gave me that will never leave my finger till the day I die…………………………
Turning on the fireplace all day because you’re gone and I can now…………………………………………….
Making Our Pasta on Sunday nights………………………………………………………………….
Watching Sons oF AnArChy…………….and still telling myself you shouldn’t watch it because of how naughty it is
Sometimes just wishing I could call you to tell you something but I know you won’t answer………………….
Cleaning out the car on friday……Even though you don’t even KNOW how dirty it is!!!!!……………………
Missing the Smell of you showering and laying there wishing you didn’t shower at 11 at night because I’m tired and in bed…………………………………………………………………………………..
Red Box………………………….. and not returing it for two weeks……………………………………..i did it on purpose………………………………….
DATE NIGHT I just want to go on a date…………………………………………….
Taking you to the malll…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Smelling your side of the bed…………..your smell is gone……………………………………………………….
Pictures EVERYwhere of US…………………………………………our Family……………………………………
I wear your clothes to feel near to you ………………………………………………………………………………..
extreme exhaustion yet I can’t sleep…………………………………………………………………………………….
You talking in your sleep about building houses……………………………………………………………………..
Your stinky Feet ahhh maybe not yes I Miss them……………………………..
Being FURIOUS because you won’t get up in the morning……………………..yup I miss it…………………..
Farmers Market ………………….
Talks talks talks our amazing talks……………………………………………………
My BeSt FrIeNd…………………………………………………………………………………………
Michael Buble…………Lost…………………………..Romance………………………………………
You and BRinn Ganging up on me………………………………………………………..
Your bed time dance…………………………………………………………
Letting you Jump on The bed like a five year old………………………………………………………..
Walks Looooonnng Walks……………………………………..
I Love your ARMY XL sweatpants they are my favorite I wear them in public sometimes………………..
I miss your morning breath………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I don’t have to worry about your dirty habit (Chew) but I miss it still……………………………………………….
OCD……… I miss it………………………………………………………………………………………….
Your handwriting that is sooo small I can’t even see it…………. i miss it………………………………………
Being scared at night………………………………..
The random texts I LOVE YOU……….. I miss em……………………………………………………………………
I pray alone everynight………..I miss it with you…………………………………………………………………………..
You’re thousands of miles away and I feel this is the closest we have ever been………………………………
I haven’t spoken to you for days but I feel we just had the best Converstaion EVER minutes ago…….
Each day gets easier……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Each Night my house is lit up like an Airport……………………………………………………………………….
My doors are bolted shut…………………..
My Love is STrong………………………..
My Flag hangs High for you………………………………………………………………………………………………..
My Love grows more Each Mile you get Farther away……………………………………………………………..
My Love is Unfailing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I miss you and I need you each day………………….. but this is our Life and this is what God Has GIVEN us
We have so much to be thankful for and I’m so thankful for this………………………………………………….
Thank you for being able to miss all these amazing things……thank you for My Husband….. thank you for my baby……. thank you for that amazing body pillow I snuggle to sleep….. thank you for that body wash that he wears that I now wear……. thanks for loving me….. thanks for giving me things to miss…………thanks kind of for Sons of Anarchy Jono’s Favorite show……thanks for the drives that clear my head and put Brinn to sleep…….. thanks for making me happy…………thanks for being all I need…………..thanks for making men as strong as mine……………thanks for the LOVE of my life…………..thanks for the Flag that hangs outside my door……………….thanks for the Family I love and need…………..Thanks for making me STRONG…………………………………Thank you for making me an Army wife………………………………….Thanks for giving me Joy……………..thanks for his blonde hair………..thanks for my Faith………Thanks for my Hope……………………..thanks for giving me life…….thanks for the days…….. thanks for the Calls when the unknown number is him………….thanks for the peace in my mind you give me each day…………..thanks for making him honorable…….. thanks for the LIGHT…….. the DOOR……….. and the Roof over my head…………thanks for Prayer……….thanks for walks…………..and Snail Mail
This is what love is to me!!
I love you Jono
This Is What I LOVE
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