So today was a great day, I made it through another semester of school! I got home from school and I got this letter. Everything Jono sends me is amazing, his love for me grows stronger everyday. Mine grows stronger with every mile and every day that passes. I can’t even believe that Love could feel this good because a year ago I thought it was great but it’s pretty awesome!
I’m the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. I have someone who loves me with all his heart. I wanted to see how far he really is from me. So I mapquested it. I put 813 NW 38th st. Ankeny, IA 50023
AFCOP Rahman, Kheyl
APO, AE 09327
Well it said we can’t route that which means he is really stinking far, you need to find another way lady. Anyhow… he is really far. However, I feel like and I’ve said this a hundred times and I will till the day he is home. I feel SO close to him. I see him in my dreams almost every night (if you know me I’m an AWESOME dreamer like I can choose what I want to dream about). When I hear his voice I literally get goose bumps I love it. The best of all of this is letters… what I call my Jono letters. I’ve been pretty mean about it lately, jk I just really have wanted to get letters so I have been on him about sending them. I send a letter everyday, every single day I go to the mailbox with a letter. It’s like therapy, I feel bad for him… When I have a bad day it’s in the letter when I have a good encouraging lets save the world day it’s in there. When I have a bad mom I’m a terrible person day it’s in there. When I have a I want to be a military wife forever this is so amazing, it’s in there. So he gets me on all levels.
When we do get to talk it is only for 10 min. They are very strict about this. Just last week they took the phones away for 5 DAYS
because a guy called home twice and talked for 45 min. That is a LITTLE ridiculous if you ask me… Come on like what did they talk about Jono and I wouldn’t know what to do if we had that much time it would be like Christmas to us
Anyways so what I’m getting at is LETTERS ROCK! We live in a very technologically savvy world. Where I have my Grandma who constantly reminds me of her brother and when he was at war, he never called home there wasn’t such thing. They didn’t see him for two years, so we have it easy these days
We get to hear their voice every two or three days, and we get to see them on the mid tour leave. So we are pretty spoiled. However, technology has made it difficult. The hardest for me is not being able to pick up the phone and dial his number and just talk and just listen to his voice. I have to wait. I have to wait for him to call. When his number 8883402403 comes up my heart drops. IT does make it more exciting and more meaningful when we do get to talk
That little ten minute phone call completes my day and Brinns… She loves talking to daddy… SO here is his letter finally I want to share it with you because it’s amazing and I’ve already read it about 30 times!
Babe, Nov. 25Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m hoping you & Brinn are having a good Thanksgiving! I think you said that you were going to go to my parents for lunch and then to your parents. Eat some of my moms corn casserole and green bean casserole for me!
I’m sitting here waiting to eat our Thanksgiving Dinner her in the lovely Rahman Kheyl COP. They are serving up some turkey and Stuffing and who know what else! Oh well got to be Thankful for what we get. Well, on that note I better hear from you what you are thankful for and then I’ll tell you what I’m thankful for.
Well, I just finished my Thanksgiving mean! It was amazing! I can say that was the first time since we’ve been her that I have been full! We even had boxed pies that were really good! Nothing like being at home though! I’ll just say that living with very little makes you appreciate everything a lot better!
Cole, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you as my wife! I love you more than anything, and always will. Thank you for the way that you love me everyday! I am truly a lucky guy. I don’t know if you remember this but the day we went to go get our marriage certificate we were waiting for them to print it off so you, Brinn, and I were walking around in the skywalks. We passed an older man and he said “You’re a lucky man!” I said back to him, “Yes I am”. I truly am a blessed man to have you and Brinn in my life, forever. I love you both with all my heart! I’m sorry I haven’t written you in the last couple days. We’ve been busy and I wrote a letter to your parents and mine!
Happy Turkey Day!
Love you,
Your Husband
So… I went to this Christian Military Wives Conference they do about once a month in Des Moines. I went with my FRG girls, it was so encouraging. This great marriage counseling couple the Roseberg’s put it on. They had a meal, Santa, presents all these goodies… It was truly amazing… Gary got up and he looked at all of us for a couple of minutes. He goes I truly don’t know how you women Do what you Do. Jess and I talk about it all the time, you just do it. We’re not heroes were just wives, we just love our men. These letters and that man who I chose to spend the rest of my life with and he chose to spend the rest of his with me… THAT’s what gets me up each day and that is how I DO IT.
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