Today Nicole, Brinn, and myself made our way to Pensicola to spend the day soaking up some sun! We took our little “water bug” to the beach and let her play in the waves! She had a blast even though we forgot her swimming suit! We then spent most of the day walking around on the ocean front shops and just walked around! It was a great day. These last couple of days have been so fun, and are a constant reminder of how blessed I am with such an amazing little family!
As I look at the last couple of months and more importantly the upcoming months it brings a lot of mixed emotions for Nicole and myself. The last couple of months have brought many challenges not just for me but for Nicole and Brinn. Nicole has had to learn how to jugle being a single parent, a homeowner, a full time student, and still find time to worry and fear the near future! Brinn has had to start day care, and not get to see her awesome dad! For myself it has been an interesting experience putting down the “everyday workbelt” and picking up the “war belt.” Through all of our struggles and challenges we have found a way to make it through them all. I know we have not done this all by ourselves. God has helped us through all of our struggles as well as an amazing family! Everyone in our families has helped us out so much. From mowing lawns, fixing computers, watching Brinn and picking her up from day care, sending me a ton of gear, knowledge & packages, and just being there for anything Brinn, Nicole and myself need. I just want to say thank you to everyone!
As I get ready to leave, I find myself with a lot of worries and uncertainties floating around in my head. I feel as this is a good thing and will allow me to remember what is important in my life and why I am doing what I am about to do. When I have these thoughts I tend to think about people in our family and the millions of people who have already gone to war, there families they have left behind, and the many who have givin there lives defending America and the God givin rights of man. In California I talked to an Afghan national who now works for the military as an interpreter. I asked him this simple question: Do you think that we should be doing what we are doing? His reply was absolutely yes. He told me of how he had grown up living in fear for their lives and how his family and sisters were treated and how much things have improved since we have been there. He may be just giving me a text book answer but I think that there is some truth in what he says.
I am proud that very shortly I will be able to be included in this group of people who have gone to war to defend our freedoms and the freedoms of others. I want to thank everyone again for everything you have done for my family and that I can know that they are being looked after and taken care of!
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